Colgate Rochester Divinity School Tue, 06 Mar 2018 20:33:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Colgate Rochester Divinity School 32 32 71786769 Colgate Rochester Divinity School Wedding Photography ~ Shannon & Jay-Michael Thu, 31 Aug 2017 03:29:43 +0000 Colgate Rochester Divinity School Wedding Photography ~ Shannon & Jay-Michael

Shannon almost wrote a book about being single, but then she got married.

Shannon is a nurse practitioner, blogger and lifelong student. You can check out her blog, Faith and the Other Five Senses here.  She moved to Rochester when she was a teenager so that her parents could help start a church. She moved away and back again at least once, and most recently moved to Dallas to complete a degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. She worked part time and went to school part time, just for fun. Then she met Jay-Michael, graduated, got married and moved to Colorado.

I met Jay-Michael about 20 minutes before the wedding. I don’t normally photograph weddings but if I did, I’d definitely meet everyone with a little bit more headway.  Distance made this tricky, but they were so happy to be married it didn’t matter. Suffice it to say that I don’t know much about Jay-Michael, other than that he works for the town of Pueblo.

Also he really gets into the song Cotton Eyed Joe.

And is great with kids.

They got married on a warm August afternoon at Colgate Rochester Divinity School.

Everyone seemed a little nervous except Shannon.

Colgate Rochester Divinity School is a beautiful spot to get married. The options just right outside the buildings for photo taking are exceptional. If you try to take pictures there without being part of a wedding that they ask you to leave. Ask me how I know…

We were on a tight schedule so we did the formal images right outside.

The reception was in a beautiful room with cathedral ceilings that were white (a photographer’s dream).


Congratulations Jay-Michael and Shannon. Thank you so much for sharing your day with me!!!
