Tamarack Swamp Boardwalk Family Photography
Adonis and Kim were two of the very first people I photographed when I started doing photography professionally so they have a special place in my heart. Abigail was in utero and Averie was a lively two year old. Every year they’ve gotten a little older and a little calmer and this year they were old enough that no chasing was involved. It was a little sad. But also beautiful.
They do grow up. This year Averie looked especially mature in her glasses and long hair (compared to last year) and I think she even sighed a little when someone suggested she hug her sister.
Abigail chose to do her own makeup for our session. Kim was unfazed (I was so impressed).
Across the boardwalk through Tamarack Swamp there was a trail through the forest that had beautiful light as the sun was setting.
Kim hasn’t aged in the past six years.
And even though hugging her sister wasn’t a preferred activity, she softened a little as time when on.
This was a favorite of Kim’s because she thought it really captured Abigail’s personality.
As always it was a joy to see you all again. I hope you have a wonderful fall and are able to spend lots of time together with plenty left over for football.