Inside/Outside Tue, 17 Mar 2020 02:17:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Inside/Outside 32 32 71786769 Pittsford NY Newborn Photography ~ Tessa Tue, 17 Mar 2020 02:16:23 +0000 Just before the chaos of COVID-19 hit New York, a beautiful baby was born. It was an absolute joy to spend the morning with her, her parents and her two older brothers. Pittsford NY Newborn Photography.

Newborn sessions don’t have to be involved. Complicated posing takes a lot of time and patience – but really high quality, peaceful images can be taken in 1 1/2 to 2 hours. If you’d like to learn more about newborn sessions, click here.

In our photo sessions, babies are in charge. If they’re unhappy, we take a break. They’re always warm, always comfortable, and always content.

The blanket and headband were a gift from family. You’re always welcome to include whatever you’d like in a session.

A few days earlier I’d had a newborn session with another baby girl and the mom said “no pink, pink is overrated.” When I arrived and started talking to Madlin she said, “I want pink. Lots of pink!” So funny how people wait for pink and can’t wait for it, or what to deviate from pink. Whatever works for you!

Tessa’s two older, very proud, brothers. They were so super gentle with her!

Neutral colors for the win.

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with me!

Pittsford NY Newborn Photography.

Penfield Family Photography ~ Mary & Jim Fri, 19 Jul 2019 01:57:41 +0000 Penfield Family Photography ~ Mary & Jim

A few years ago when Jenn was a senior I had the privilege of photographing her senior portraits which have consistently ranked in the top 10 blog posts on the website ever since. Now she’s finished with college, working full time, engaged and I’m very excited to be photographing the wedding! In the mean time, her parents decided it was time for some updated family portraits.  Penfield Family Photography.

They have a beautiful home next to a golf course with a peaceful garden that was a perfect backdrop. Many people choose to have family photos taken right in their home because it’s easier than packing up and going somewhere.

We could have talked about gardening pretty much the entire time. Their color scheme was happy and summery. For more ideas about what to wear during a photo session click here.

They home schooled their kids all the way through, managed to visit the lower 48 states and now both are through college working full time. Mary might be my personal hero.

During your session you can choose was poses and people combinations you’d like. Some photographers charge per pose but we don’t. It’s your time so how you use it is up to you!

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with me!

Professional Baby Photography Pittsford NY ~ Jimmy Fri, 01 Mar 2019 04:53:05 +0000 Professional Baby Photography Pittsford NY

We last met up for Jimmy’s 100 day photos – a significant milestone in Chinese culture. You can view his 100 day photos here.

Jimmy’s grandmother was able to spend several months with him and was headed back to China. For a short time, both sets of grandparents were around to lend a hand.  We set up a studio situation in their home in Pittsford on a gloomy fall day.

It’s such a joy to watch families rejoicing so much over a new addition to the family.

While we were planning a one year photo session (which we did a few weeks later), we went ahead with this one before Jing’s mom left. He wasn’t completely sure what to make of the camera and all the attention.

In home sessions can be a fantastic way to help babies feel more comfortable though, especially when they’re a little skeptical.

I haven’t met a baby yet that doesn’t love being tossed in the air. So sweet!!

Are those not the most delicious cheeks you’ve ever seen?

Jimmy loves cars, books, and smiled most when his mom read him the Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Thank you so much Jing and Rui for sharing Jimmy’s first year with me. It was such a blessing!

Farmington NY Extended Family Photography ~ Jamie and Mike Fri, 05 Oct 2018 01:53:46 +0000 Farmington NY Extended Family Photography ~ Jamie and Mike

We first met three years ago when a relative of Jamie bought her a portrait session as a gift. We met at their family’s farm in Victor and had a farm-themed session with her beautiful two boys. It was awesome to arrive at their house and learn they had another – this time a girl!

Their entire family was together and they took the opportunity to have their photos taken.

Jamie and Mike recently moved to a beautiful house in Farmington on a lot of acreage with mature trees and an in ground pool. I might have been a little jealous. They even have chickens.

Common groupings with extended family sessions are nuclear families or couples, the entire group, and then grandparents with grandkids, or separating it out by gender. It’s relatively easy to squeeze it all in in a short period of time – scheduling a time when everyone can come really is the hard part!

Not surprisingly, the older the kids are, generally the faster the photos go. The trickiest ages (depending on the kids’ temperaments) tend to be around 10 months to 3 years old because they are usually mobile, have strong opinions, and aren’t always keen on distractions or bribing. We can almost always get excellent photos, but there might be fewer to pick from and it takes a little longer. Once you get into 5 and up, it’s typically more of a cake walk with more options in a shorter period of time.

Kelly and her family traveled all the way from New Hamshire with five kids under seven including a newborn for a wedding. She deserves a medal!

The matching shirts were amazing. I hope that some day my kids do stuff like this!!!

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with me!

Canandaigua Family Photography ~ Greg and Sonya Thu, 02 Aug 2018 02:51:04 +0000 Canandaigua Family Photography ~ Greg and Sonya

Greg and Sonya chose to have their session on their 80 acres of property in Canandaigua. It was the kind of place where you drive down the driveway and are transported to somewhere else entirely.  It’s their very own nature preserve with trails, a pond, and stunning landscaping.

If you have a house that you feel is photographable, it’s a simple option that’s one less thing to think about.  And if it’s a peaceful place for you, then it add a layer of meaning to the images as well.

Alex wasn’t super thrilled with having family photos taken but had a fantastic smile anyway. Viv, on the other hand, seemed to be having a blast.  Also isn’t her hair spectacular?? Some day I’ll do my hair sometimes!

People often ask about the best time of day for photos. In general on sunny days it’s best to avoid around 11-2, which of course, is when this session was. With a little off camera lighting it’s definitely doable, but in general, morning or evening is best. Sometimes life doesn’t cooperate though, and you just have to go with it.

I love this series of each kid with each parent. It’s a little thing but a detail that can easily be overlooked. Thinking of different combinations of family members is definitely worth doing.

The landscaping around their house was also stunning. Keeping plants in planters alive during a summer like this takes some serious dedication!

Pet photography is not as difficult as it might seem. Most dogs are more than happy to pose with a little treat-bribery.  Getting them to also look in the right direction is a little bit trickier but can be done!

Thank you so much Sonya and Greg for sharing your beautiful family with me!!!

Pittsford NY Professional Baby Photography ~ Betsy & Andy Sat, 03 Mar 2018 20:06:00 +0000 Pittsford NY Professional Baby Photography ~ Betsy & Andy

In September TJ, Andy and Betsy welcomed their beautiful baby Abigail into the world.

You may remember Betsy’s peaceful snowy maternity session. They had a babymoon in Naples and invited me out to photograph their last weekend away before the baby arrived.

A few weeks later, baby TJ made his appearance. Then he grew a little bit more, and a little bit more, and then he was a big brother.

Betsy and Andy chose to have their session in their home, which is a great idea after having a new baby because it’s easier than going anywhere. Kids are especially on board with this plan – even more so when they’ve been thrown for a little bit of a loop by having a new sibling added to the mix.

Sometimes people skip over the newborn window for a number of reasons and that’s totally fine. Newborn photos are great, but babies can really be photographed at any time. I mean, how can you go wrong with baby pictures?

So if you find yourself not completely on the ball after having a baby (and really, who is?), don’t let that stop you if you really want to capture the fleeting moments of your baby’s first year.

Thank you so much Andy and Betsy for sharing your beautiful family with me! It’s always a joy to spend time with you.

Pittsford NY 100 Day Baby Photography ~ Jimmy Tue, 27 Feb 2018 01:03:33 +0000 Pittsford NY 100 Day Baby Photography ~ Jimmy

Jing recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that she and her husband named Jimmy.  They’re both Chinese and in Chinese tradition the baby’s first 100 days is a huge celebration.  It’s intended to wish the baby 100 years of life and relatives celebrate it by bringing gifts including clothing, jewelry, and shoes.

We had the session at Jimmy’s home with his grandparents and parents. Portable studio lighting means that we have complete freedom regarding time of day and location. We set up in Jimmy’s living room which makes it super easy on parents and the baby. Some day I’ll remember to do a pull back shot.

He had a sweet, easy going personality, and the traditional Chinese baby clothing was perhaps the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

He also had some amazing baby thighs.

Jimmy’s grandparents were here from China for a few months. They didn’t speak English, which was kind of a bummer because it would have been amazing to get to know them a little. But even with the language barrier it was clear that they are completely in love with this baby.

By the end of the session he was ready to take a nap.

If you’d like to learn more about Baby Bundles, click here. It’s an easy way to memorialize a baby’s first year.

Churchville NY Professional Family Photography ~ Kristen and Philip Tue, 20 Feb 2018 03:26:39 +0000 Churchville NY Professional Family Photography ~ Kristen and Philip

Kristen and Philip just bought their forever home in Churchville and opted to have their family photography session there.

Philip is a landscaper and it killed him a little to take photos outside in December when everything was dormant, especially since they’d just moved in and he hasn’t had a chance to work his magic yet. I bet the front of their house is going to be amazing in a few more months.

Choosing your own home as a location is a great option, especially for young children who might be more comfortable in their own environment.

But I have a feeling these girls would have been joyful pretty much anywhere.

When people think of family photos they sometimes think stress, but rather than being stressful it’s a great time to play.

The arborvitae hedge was a fantastic backdrop.

We did about half of the session outside and half inside. That’s a perfect setup for winter weather when little people get cold quickly.

Addison was a huge fan of taking photos. Lily was a little bit less sure about the whole process.

Thank you so much Kristen and Philip for sharing your beautiful family with me!

Pittsford NY Professional Family Photography ~ Tony and Jenna Wed, 31 Jan 2018 04:35:27 +0000 Pittsford NY Professional Family Photography ~ Tony and Jenna

Tony and Jenna had their beautiful son Sam last April. Then when he was six months old, he came for a mini session in the park. This time, Jenna’s sister was in town and their whole family got together for some Thanksgiving love.

If you ever find yourself wanting to take pictures on stairs, keep in mind that if you do them straight on, some people look huge and some people are really small. If you turn everyone sideways, you can get a lot of different heights and good spacing by using stairs. It almost always pays off to think outside the box when it comes to angles.

Despite having traveled all the way from DC, Nina’s kids were all about some oinky pig action.

And it’s always worthwhile to sneak in a couples portrait.

Sam was a little under the weather but perked up and gave us some Sam-sized smiles.

People often ask about backdrops and where good places are to take photographs in their homes. In general a neutral colored wall (or even a brightly colored one) is a perfect backdrop. If you love your furniture that’s also a great option. Only a very small space is needed since the camera cuts out most of the surroundings.

Afterwards we stepped outside for some slightly snowy winter portraits.

Thank you so much Jenna and Tony for sharing your beautiful family with me!

Chili NY Family Christmas Photos ~ Nicole & Steve Tue, 19 Dec 2017 01:07:16 +0000 Chili NY Family Christmas Photos ~ Nicole & Steve

Gavin would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

What do you do when you want family photos and the weather is less than ideal? You get creative! Outside is always an option in the colder weather for the weather resistant people in the world (click here to see outdoor winter portraits), you can choose an open-to-the-public indoor location, or you can have photos taken in the comfort of your own home (which young kids really love since they’re already familiar with the environment).

If you are in the market for in home family christmas photos, one challenge is that you have to set up your tree a little bit early to have the time to choose your photos in time to send out Christmas cards, but it can be done! (Nicole is proof!)

Gavin is eagerly anticipating his first Christmas.

In Nicole’s non-mom life she happens to be a super human who restores the ability to function to people with thrown out backs, hips and any other joint you may happen to have. Her website is here and I cannot recommend her highly enough (says the person who could barely walk Friday and the next day could pick up her two year old again).

A little trick of the trade – most six month olds can’t quite sit up on their own and aren’t quite tall enough to have a Christmas tree background, so mom or dad’s shoulder make an excellent prop.

And what is Christmas without a little baby in plaid action? Who said boys weren’t fun to dress?

Thank you so very much Nicole and Steve for sharing Gavin with me! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year!
